Constipation: Children with constipation may have stools that are hard, dry, and difficult or painful to pass. These stools may occur daily or can be less frequent.

Although constipation can cause discomfort and pain, it's usually temporary and can be treated.  

Reasons for Constipation:
  • Diet: If the child’s diet does not have enough fiber or fluid it can cause constipation, or also due to changes in diet.
  • Illness: If your child is sick and loses his appetite, a change in his diet can throw off his system and cause him to be constipated. 
  • Medication: Constipation may be a side effect of some medicines. Constipation may result from certain medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland).
  • Withholding: Your child may hold backhis stool for different reasonslike avoid pain from passing a hard stool, or he may be dealing with emotional issues, Sometimes it may be because the childdoes not want to take a break from play oris embarrassed and uncomfortable using a public toilet.
  • Stress: also can lead to constipation and affect gut functions. Kids can get constipated when they're nervous, emotionally upset about something, like going to new school or problems at home. 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): causes constipation which happens when a child is stressed or may have eaten spicy food causing pain and gas in stomach.
  • Other changes: In general, any changes in your child's routine, such as traveling, hot weather, or stressful situations, may affect his overall health and how his bowels function.
If constipation isn't treated, it may get worse. The longer the stool stays inside the lower intestinal tract, the larger, firmer, and drier it becomes. 

Then it becomes more difficult and painful to pass the stool. This is being also a very common problem, I conduct speciality clinic to treat Constipation in Children.
If your child is suffering from ConstipationContact Me.